My First Love

I am your spaniel.

Like many actors, I was forever changed by the words of Bill Shakespeare. And like many of my oldest friends, I was blessed with an encouraging and challenging mentor who wouldn’t let me slack on letting the work move through me.

I am a veteran of The University of Michigan Residential College’s “Shakespeare in the Arb” program. It’s just passed it's twentieth season, and there is no wonder at that. Spearheaded by my mentor and friend, Kate Mendeloff, this wild show has gripped hearts and changed lives. I know it changed mine.

Every June, my heart lives among the peonies in Ann Arbor’s best not-kept secret.

Out of the Blue - Episode 215 - Shakespeare in the Arb

Celebrating its 10th Anniversary with sold--out performances, Shakespeare in the Arb brings together non--theater students from across campus along with Ann Arbor community members to perform "A Midsummer Night Dream".


Audiobook Release! “The Star That Always Stays” by Anna Rose Johnson


Listen to what happened on This Day in History!